C9050-549 IBM Certified System Programmer – IBM IMS

Number of questions: 63
Number of questions to pass: 44
Time allowed: 90 mins
Status: Live

This certification exam certifies that the successful candidate has important knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to describe the architecture and administer the processes required to plan, install, manage, tune and secure an IMS environment.

Section 1 – Architecture 9.5%
Demonstrate an understanding of multiple address space architecture
Demonstrate an understanding of the differenty types of control region
Demonstrate an understanding of z/OS environment

Section 2 – Installation and Configuration 30%
Demonstrate an understanding of system definitions
Demonstrate an understanding of SMP
Demonstrate an understanding of IMS SYSGEN process
Demonstrate an understanding of dynamic resource definition (DRD)
Demonstrate an understanding of online change process
Demonstrate an understanding of z/OS preparation
Demonstrate an understanding of base primitive environment (BPE)
Demonstrate an understanding of creation of common service layer (CSL) address spaces
Demonstrate an understanding of CICS
Demonstrate an understanding of configuration of application program regions
Demonstrate an understanding of WLM
Demonstrate an understanding of DB2 Attach
Demonstrate an understanding of user exits

Section 3 – Connectivity and Networking 14.5%
Demonstrate an understanding of VTAM/SNA
Demonstrate an understanding of intersystem connections (ISC, MSC)
Demonstrate an understanding of TM
Demonstrate an understanding of extended recovery facility
Demonstrate an understanding of OTMA
Demonstrate an understanding of IMS connect (ICON)
Demonstrate an understanding of ODBA

Section 4 – Utilities 9.5%
Demonstrate an understanding of log utilities
Demonstrate an understanding of IMS monitor
Demonstrate an understanding of DBD, PSB, ACB Gen
Demonstrate an understanding of MFS utilities
Demonstrate an understanding of performance utilities
Demonstrate an understanding of backup and recovery utilities

Section 5 – Security 9.5%
Demonstrate an understanding of RACF and the interface (SAF)
Demonstrate an understanding of SSL
Demonstrate an understanding of dependant region security Demonstrate an understanding of terminal security
Demonstrate an understanding of transaction security
Demonstrate an understanding of command security

Section 6 – Operations and Commands 9.5%
Demonstrate an understanding of dynamic resource definition
Demonstrate an understanding of IMS environment restart (failover/restart system/cold start)
Demonstrate an understanding of starting and stopping IMS environments
Demonstrate an understanding of IMS resources
Demonstrate an understanding of replication
Demonstrate an understanding of type1 and type2 commands

Section 7 – sysplex 9.5%
Demonstrate an understanding of shared queues
Demonstrate an understanding of CSL, RM, and OM
Demonstrate an understanding of how to set up a coupling facility structure of IMS
Demonstrate an understanding of IMS restart/recovery in a sysplex environment
Demonstrate an understanding of issuing operating commands in a sysplex environment

Section 8 – Troubleshooting 8%
Demonstrate an understanding of capturing appropriate diagnostic information
How to capture dumps and traces
How to capture dumps and traces
Demonstrate an understanding of what traces should be running
Demonstrate an understanding of RRS trace
Demonstrate an understanding of ability to search for known problems using IBM knowledge databases

The sample test is designed to give the candidate an idea of the content and format of the questions that will be on the certification exam. Performance on the sample test is NOT an indicator of performance on the certification exam. This should not be considered an assessment too

Courses and publications are offered to help you prepare for the certification tests. The courses are recommended, but not required, before taking a certification test.

IMS InfoCenter
Welcome to the IBM® Information Management Software for z/OS® Solutions Information Center, where you can find all the information that you need to install, configure, maintain, and use the following IBM products for managing your information on z/OS: DB2® for z/OS, IBM DB2 Tools, DB2 QMF™, IMS™, IBM IMS Tools, IMS Enterprise Suite, InfoSphere™ IMS Replication for z/OS, InfoSphere Warehouse, InfoSphere Replication Server for z/OS, and InfoSphere Data Event Publisher for z/OS.

PartnerWorld Code: 08005101
Replaces PW Code: 08005100

Status: Live
This certification exam certifies that the successful candidate has important knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to describe the architecture and administer the processes required to plan, install, manage, tune and secure an IMS environment.

An external stored procedure, assigned to application environment AE1, should run in parallel to a
maximum of 10 concurrent procedures. Which action will achieve this?

A. Specify NUMTCB=10 and allow 1 WLM managed stored procedure address space per sysplex for AE1.
B. Specify NUMTCB=1 and allow 10 WLM managed stored procedure address spaces per sysplex for AE1.
C. Specify no limits for NUMTCB and AE1, but limit the degree by DSNZPARIVI PARAIVIDEG.
D. Specify no limits for NU MTCB and AE1, but limit the degree by DSNZPARIVI CONDBAT.

Answer: A

What are three characteristics of DB2 9 native SQL procedures? (Choose three.)

A. Runs entirely within DB2.
B. Requires a WLM-managed address space.
C. Could be zIIP eligible if it is a DDF request using DRDA.
D. Ability to define multiple versions.
E. Requires SPAS.

Answer: A,C,D

A systems programmer gets notified of an application response time issue with a dynamically bound
distributed application. Which two could help diagnose the problem? (Choose two.)

A. formatted IFCID records for the dynamic statement cache
B. formatted DB2 statistics records
C. formatted DB2 accounting records
D. formatted CF activity report
E. formatted RMF VSTOR

Answer: A,C

Which two actions occur when the maximum number of locks (LOCKMAX) requested by an application is
exceeded? (Choose two.)

A. IMS pseudo-abends.
B. IMS pseudo-abends the application.
C. IMS issues a message and continues.
D. IMS pseudo-abends the application holding the most locks.
E. IMS pauses the application until the locks held are reduced.

Answer: B,C

You are migrating your DB2 for z/OS subsystem to version 9 NFM. As part of the migration process, you
intend to step through the different IBM provided IVP phases to verify that everything is working well.
Looking at the generated jobs, you recogMze that there is only one job that has been created for phase 6
(accessing data at a remote site) ratherthan the whole set of jobs. What is the reason for this happing?

A. On migration panel DSNTIPR, you have specified YES or AUTO as DDF startup option.
B. On migration panel DSNTI PX, you have not entered a default WLM environment name.
C. On migration panel DSNTI PX, you have entered a default WLM environment, which is not yet defined.
D. On migration panel DSNTI PX, you have not entered a WLM procedure name.

Answer: B

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