Implement Product information management (25-30%)
Create and manage products
create a product and product variants
create Bill of materials (BOMs)
identify the purpose and capabilities of the Product Configuration models
create and configure category hierarchies
create product attributes
Configure products for Supply Chain management
create and manage inventory dimensions
create Item groups and Item model groups
create and print product labels
create and assign bar codes
configure Item coverage
configure product compliance processes
Manage inventory pricing and costing
configure inventory costing
configure costing versions
configure and manage commodity pricing
create purchase, sales, and trade agreements
create smart rounding rules
Implement Inventory management (20-25%)
Configure inventory management
identify the purpose of inventory forecasting
set up inventory and warehouse parameters
configure and perform Quality control and Quality management processes
configure inventory valuation reports
configure ABC classification
configure inventory closing components
implement inventory breakdowns
Manage and process inventory activities
create and process inventory and warehouse journals
create and process transfer orders
create and process chain orders
manage direct delivery orders
process quarantine orders
process quality orders
perform inventory closing and adjustments
apply inventory blocking
Implement and manage Supply Chain processes (25-30%)
Implement Procurement and sourcing
create and manage purchase requisitions, requests for quotes (RFQs), and
purchase orders (POs)
create and manage catalogs
configure purchase order change management
configure and apply Vendor rebates
implement and manage consignment inventory
configure and test Vendor collaboration portal
manage over and under deliveries and delivery schedules
Implement common Sales and marketing features
configure quotations, sales orders, and return orders
configure sales groups and commissions
configure and manage up-sell, cross-sell, discounts, and price groups
configure customer and prospect searches
implement and manage leads and prospects
configure inter-company Trade relations
Implement advanced sales and marketing features
configure brokers and royalties
configure trade allowances and customer rebates
implement and process foreign trade
configure and process Vendor 1099
Implement Warehouse management and Transportation management and perform
business processes (25-30%)
Configure Warehouse management
implement components for warehouse management
implement directives
implement inventory statuses
implement waves
implement loads
implement shipments
implement works
implement mobile devices
Perform warehouse management processes
identify inventory movement processes
perform cycle counting
use mobile devices for inbound and outbound processes
implement containerization and packaging
process inbound orders
process outbound orders
perform cluster picking
process shipments
identify and apply the replenishment process
Implement transportation management and perform business processes
configure container management
configure and manage transportation management
perform planning and executing of loads and shipments
configure and generate freight bills and invoices
identify and configure route and rate engines
configure and use dock appointment scheduling
perform transportation processes by using the load planning workbench
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