Oracle 1Z0-1048 Exam Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials Exam

Exam Title: Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials
Exam Number: 1Z0-1048
Exam Price: Rs.22,584.00 More on exam pricing
Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of Questions: 71
Passing Score: 64%
Validated Against: Oracle Time and Labor Cloud 2019 Certified Implementation Specialist

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Describe primary Time and Labor business processes
Configure general system settings
Describe how workers and managers use workforce scheduling to plan and manage leave time, shifts, and schedules

Time Attributes
Design a collection of properties that enables different user groups to report time against different time attribute values

Time Categories, Layout Sets, Time Consumer Sets, and Groups
Build a collection of time entry layouts for entering, reviewing, and approving time
Create groupings of time attributes as categories, and use them to group time entries for summarizing, validating, and transferring time; and for processing time rules
Build time consumer sets that specify approval periods, validation rules, and time transfer rules for each time consumer
Set up group definitions that are used by Time and Labor
Configure mass time card creation and mass time entry

Time Processing and Time Entry Profiles
Configure worker time processing profiles that associate rule sets, a time consumer set, and time card periods to report, validate, approve, and transfer time
Build worker time entry profiles that associate a layout set and time entry actions to control access to any time entries

Define approval periods for each time consumer
Configure approval groups
Configure time card approval tasks and rules
Set up approval rules to override the normal approval flow of a timecard
Explain Mass submit and approve Timecards processes

Repeating Time Periods
Create time period definitions that produce repeating periods for use in time card entry, approvals, time rules processing, and absence accruals

Integrations with Absence Management, Payroll, and Projects
Describe the setup required to validate, approve, and transfer reported time from Time and Labor to Payroll for payment
Describe how to manage value sets and time card fields to set up Project Time Entry
Describe time attributes, time card fields, and time entry formats required to enable workers to report absences
Describe how to set up time collection device integration to reduce administration and time entry errors

Time Rules
Configure templates that enable the reuse of a formula to define multiple rules
Configure time entry and time calculation rules based on rule templates
Build sets of time entry and time calculation rules that can be assigned to a group of workers using the worker time processing profile
Describe the fast formulas to include in rules in various rule templates in Time and Labor

Manage shift properties
Define scheduler profiles

Time Devices
Explain Time Device Setup, Time Device Processing, Time Device Rules, and Time Entry Rules
Explain Increased Time Management efficiency and Timecard search enhancements

Question: 1
Your customer has implemented Fusion Payroll and defined a set of elements and CIRs (Calculation
Information Repository) with restricted element eligibility.
How should you restrict the displayed payroll time types to match the payroll element eligibility?

A. The payroll elements are placed in one multiple-attribute time card field and the layout set is assigned by using the time entry profile.
B. The payroll elements are placed in one multiple-attribute time card field and restricted by using the enabled value.
C. The payroll element eligibility definition is automatically used to restrict the displayed values on the time card.
D. The payroll elements are placed in several multiple-attribute time card fields and the layout set is assigned by using the time entry profile.

Answer: A

Question: 2
You have 10 different Legislative Data Groups (LDG) defined. Each LDG has a different set of Payroll
Time Types and Absence Types.
How should you configure a Layout Component to display the proper values in one single list on the
Time Entry Layout?

A. Create a Multiple Attribute Time Card Field, filtering the list using Assignment ID.
B. Create a Multiple Attribute Time Card field, filtering the displayed values based on the LDG Filtering function.
C. Create a Multiple Attribute Time Card Field, filtering the list using Element Eligibility.
D. Cannot be done in one list. This requires two separate selection lists (Time Card fields), placed on the Time Entry Layout.

Answer: B

Question: 3
Which is not a predefined approval task and task rule for payroll and project costing time entry approvals?

A. a Payroll Time Card Approval task that automatically approves the time card if the total hours for time entries is 40 hours or less.
B. a Project Time Card Approval task that routes time cards that contain time entries with a reported project, task, and expenditure type to the appropriate Project Manager
C. a Payroll Time Card Approval task that routes payroll time entries to the Line Manager if the total hours for a time card exceed 40 hours
D. a Payroll Time Card Approval task that automatically approves the time card unless it contains absences

Answer: D

Question: 4
What determines the validation and approval of payroll time types for Fusion Payroll?

A. Use of the delivered payroll time attributes and payroll time card fields.
B. Assignment of the customer-defined Time and Labor – Time Entry Rules (TER).
C. Assignment of a properly defined payroll time consumer set.
D. Assignment of the delivered payroll layout set and time entry options.

Answer: A


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